Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Bon Voyage!

 Bon Voyage!

Boy… sitting in one seating position for an extended period of time is a lot of hard work, I was working up a sweat just reaching up to the air hostess for the free drinks. But I tell you what they certainly don’t miss you in the airport, its creeps up to $20 a pint!

After our mid afternoon escape from Chillingham yesterday we travelled up to the Brekky Creek Hotel, wolfed down a bit of dinner, and headed off to the Brissy airport to start the laborious international check-in process. One of us attempted to bring dangerous contraband onto the plane in the form of a toothpaste tube. I mean seriously, you can only fit so much C4 in that tube anyway it shouldn’t matter…

We’re pretty much flying over the Gobi Desert at the moment and trying to adjust to the upcoming time zone changes so we’re as fresh as can be for our arrival in London, after not being able to get much sleep on last nights flight.

Figured I might as well just continue this post with the arrival in London and taking the infamous tube into Earl’s court. All our hotel rooms are about the size of a caravan so I’m feeling right at home haha. We had a very weary dinner at the Blackbird pub last night, with pretty much all of us falling asleep at the table, so rest assured as soon as we went to bed rest was assured.

Gaz and I are about to grab some brekky and head over to Camden to see if we can find an Australian pub or at least one that will play the State Of Origin for us. Then we’ll have a wander over to Camden Markets and grab some street meats for lunch. After that I don’t think we have anything planned so we might do some sightseeing and grab some tourist pics.

  • Herb
The Brekky Creek Hotel Est. 1890

Our bird for the first leg of the trip to Hong Kong

Skirting around some of the snow capped peaks in the Gobi Desert

Enjoying a $20 airport pint in Hong Kong with the crew

Sunday, May 28, 2023

A Nervous Nights Sleep

 G’day everyone,

This is a little blog I’ve put together for anyone that wants to keep up with our adventures whilst we’re away. We’ll be uploading photos, videos, and the occasional post from the crew. It’s all kicking off tomorrow at 4pm sharp, we’ll be headed up to Brisbane, and hopefully be sober enough so that they’ll still let us on the plane. Check in to keep up to date on the status of our livers, and we hope to have many more stories to tell when we get back.

- Herb

Graffiti is Sometimes Okay

After our success with the tube network around London it was now time to experience the overland train system running around the rest of the...